Ten Ways to Make a Difference for Shelter Pets

This week, on Saturday October 23, is the annual “Make a Difference” day in communities nationwide. It’s a day to volunteer your time, talent, or treasure in some way, knowing that even the smallest gifts add up and make a difference. Here are some ways to make a difference for the shelters and rescue groups in your community, any day of the week!

1.Donate a gallon of bleach and rolls of paper towels – shelters use both of these in huge quantities to keep cages and surfaces clean and germ free.

2.Laundry soap – think of washing 300 pounds of cage towels, blankets, and toys each day, as they do at the Asheville Humane Society.  Check with the shelter first to see which kind of detergent they use.

3.And speaking of towels and washable blankets – go through your linen closet, or shop a few estate sales – there are almost always towels for $1 or less.

4.Jars of peanut butter to coat pills or stuff Kongs are always appreciated, as are Greenies pill pockets.

5.Hot dogs can be used to hide pills or as a dog treat.

6.Latex gloves – the dishwashing kind – and latex exam gloves are also needed, as well as work gloves for shelter maintenance tasks.

7.Office supplies including white copier paper and batteries will be put to good use.

8.No time to shop? Shelters can always use gift cards from Walmart, Target, PetsMart, Costco and other retailers, as well as gas cards for vehicles.

9.Check with the shelter for larger needs on their “wish list,” and organize a classroom or neighborhood fund-raising project.

10. Bake some treats for the shelter staff. Their work is a labor of love.

What ideas do you have, for easy and inexpensive ways to make a difference?

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