Backstage at Westminster Dog Show

I have just returned from my first visit to Westminster. What an incredible experience to be up close to 2,500 beautiful dogs! I stayed in the hotel across the street from Madison Square Garden, which began to fill up with dogs on Friday. The hotel has a “pet concierge” during the show, and had an area set up in the lower level for potty breaks. The “boys” side of the potty area had fire hydrants. The potty area also had dog treadmills set up, which seemed to be very popular. There were also vendors selling jewelry, pretty collars and coats, and other dog goodies. I picked up so many dog food samples I had to mail them back! During the best of breed judging they had six rings going simultaneously. I watched from ringside for awhile, and then found a seat in the stands. Many dogs had their own cheering section, who would whoop and holler when the judge looked at their favorite. Although I am not into dog showing, it was inspiring to see the best of the best strut their stuff. Having shown horses earlier in my life, I know the work that goes into those few moments in the spotlight. Congratulations to Sadie, the sassy Scottie who took Best in Show!

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